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Portainer is a lightweight management UI which allows you to easily manage your Docker instances.

To install Portainer, you can follow the Official documentation.

Create a stack

Head over to the Stacks section in the Portainer UI and click on Add stack.

Fill in the following details:

  • Name: Give your stack a name, for example AirTrail.
  • Web editor: Copy and paste the content from the docker-compose.yml file.
    • Replace all instances of .env with stack.env
    Replace .env with stack.env
  • Environment variables: Go into "Advanced mode" and copy-paste the contents of .env.example into the text area.
    • Change the ORIGIN to the URL that you will be accessing your AirTrail instance from.
    • Change the DB_PASSWORD to a secure password. Optionally, change other database settings.

Click Deploy the stack.


After deploying the stack, you should follow the Post Installation steps.